Ashlynn Fritz Main Page
This page is to provide access (i.e., links) to YOUR Examples.
Hello World -- Week 2
Web Forms -- Week 3
- $_GET Form
- $_POST Form
- Simple "Sticky" Form
- All in One Form
- $_REQUEST Example
- Form - NOT Secure
- Form - Secure
- Redirect
Variables, Data-types, Expressions -- Week 4
Decisions and Loops -- Week 5
Strings -- Week 6
- Strings
- Strings Revisited
- String Replace
- More String Stuff (file_get_contents())
- String Form Example
Arrays -- Week 7
Functions -- Week 8
Preserve State -- Week 9
Files and Directories -- Week 10
MySQL1 (Introduction) -- Week 11
MySQL 2 (Retrieving Data) -- Week 12
Date & Time, Email and Encrypt -- Week 13
Graphics 1 - Week 14
Graphics 2 - Week 15
Regular Expressions (Regex) - Week 16
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