Ashlynn's REGEXform


Regular Expression Will match...
/foo/ The string "foo"
/^foo/ 'foo' at the start of a string
/foo$/ 'foo' at the end of a string
/^foo$/ 'foo' when it is alone on a string
/[abc]/ a, b, or c
/[a-z]/ Any lowercase letter
/[^A-Z]/ Any character that is not a uppercase letter
/(gif|jpeg)/ Matches either 'gif' or 'jpeg'
/[a-z]+/ One or more lowercase letters
/[0-9\.\-]/ Аny number, dot, or minus sign
/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}$/ Any word of at least one letter, number or _
/([wx])([yz])/ wy, wz, xy, or xz
/[^A-Za-z0-9]/ Any symbol (not a number or a letter)
/([A-Z]{3}|[0-9]{4})/ Three letters or four numbers
/ab*/ An 'a' followed by ZERO or more 'b's
/ab+/ An 'a' followed by ONE or more 'b's
/ab?/ An 'a' followed by zero OR one 'b'
/ab{2}/ An 'a' followed by exactly two b's
/ab{2,}/ An 'a' followed by two or more b's
/a(bc)/ An 'a' followed by zero or one copy of 'bc'
/a(bc)*/ An 'a' followed by zero or more copies of 'bc'
/a(bc){1,5}/ An 'a' followed by one through five copies of 'bc'
/a(bc){*}/ An 'a' followed by zero or more copies of 'bc'
/a.[0-9]/ An 'a' followed by a digit
/[a-d]/ An 'a' followed by lowercase letters 'a' through 'd'
/(a|b)*c/ Has a sequence of a's or b's ending in a c
/(b|cd)ef/ Has either 'aef' or 'cdef' in it
/^.{3}$/ Has exactly 3 characters.
/$|¥[0-9]/ Has a $ or ¥ followed by 0-9
/^[a-zA-Z]/ Starts with any letter.
/[0-9]%/ Single digit before a percent sign.
/,[a-zA-Z0-9]$/ Ends in a comma followed by an alphanumeric character.
/%[^a-zA-Z]%/ Single character that is NOT a letter between two percent signs.
/[\s,]+/ Same as explode on ' ' via preg_split()
/.at/ Three-character string ending with 'at', including 'hat', 'cat', and 'bat'.
/[^b]at/ Same as above except 'bat'.
/[^bc]at/ Same as above except 'bat' and 'cat'.
/^[bc]at/ Allows 'bat' and 'cat', but only at the start of the string.
/[bc]at/$ Allows 'bat' and 'cat', but only at the end of the string.
/\[.\]/ Any single character surrounded by '[' and ']', such as [a], [b].
/a.+c/ Greedy : abcdefghijklmc will return 'abcdefghijklmc'.
/a.*c/ Greedy : abcdefghijklmc will return 'abcdefghijklmc'.
/a.+?c/ Lazy : abcdefghijklmc will return 'abc'.
/a.*?c/ Lazy : abcdefghijklmc will return 'abc'.
/a.+c/U Lazy : abcdefghijklmc will return 'abc'.
/a.*c/U Lazy : abcdefghijklmc will return 'abc'.

The standard quantifiers in Regular Expressions are GREEDY, meaning they match as much as they can, only giving back as necessary to match the remainder of the regex. By using a LAZY quantifier, the expression tries the minimal match first.

The LAZY qualifier can be expressed as a "?" inside the pattern OR "U" at the end of the pattern, such as /a.*?c/ and /a.*c/U that produce the same result.