CRUD Records in Authors Table

ID First Name Second Name
1 Johny Joness
2 Steve Pet
3 Tom Thumb
5 Don Duck
8 tedd sperling
12 Joey Shears
14 Thurston Howell III
15 Jan Brady
16 Mark Twain
17 Yeehaw Dawg
20 Bunny Rabit
22 Bronwyn Rruffus
24 Lauren Olin
25 Billy Williams
26 Joseph Tierney
27 Owen Bozsik
30 Amin Hassen
31 Lawrence Roberts
32 Hyereen Shin
33 Dane Farquhar
36 Ajay McDaniel
37 Nick Lycos
38 Chris Sycamore
39 Don Eckford
40 Veronica Hutchins
41 Kaylyn Fragel
42 Ashlynn Fritz
43 Daniel Paxton
44 Kaitlyn Silengo
45 Mahmoud Siryani
46 Binita Tamang
47 Brian Lark
Current Selected Record
Fields Values
ID: <-- You cannot edit this ID (This is generated via autoincrement)
First Name:
Last Name:

// The following two functions should be in your code // -- OR -- be in the includes directory under "functions.php" // AND include that file in this script. // ================= functions ================= //-------------- show db errors -------------- // this function reports mysql errors with line number and script name function report($query, $line, $file) { echo($query . '
' . $line . '
' . $file . '
'); } //-------------- clean data for input into db -------------- // this function cleans all text for inserting into db // in other words, this function returns SQL injection-proof strings function cleanForDB($con, $str) { $str = stripslashes($str); $str = trim($str); $str = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $str); return $str; }


//  authors.php (CRUD) Authors by Don Alexander Eckford

// code
if (session_id() == '')


// init vars and arrays
$self basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$author_table 'authors';
$author_book_table 'author_book';

// author arrays
$first_names = array();
$last_names = array();

$first_name '';
$last_name '';
$rec_id 0;
$result '';
$comment '';
$submit '';
$con '';

'includes/open_db.php');    //====== open dB

// determine what the user selected

$submit = isset($_POST['submit']) ? $_POST['submit'] : '';

// If User selected 'Save Record' then update author record

if ($submit == 'Save Record')
$rec_id = isset($_POST['rec_id']) ? $_POST['rec_id'] : 0;
$first_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) ? $_POST['first_name'] : '';
$last_name = isset($_POST['last_name']) ? $_POST['last_name'] : '';

// clean data for db entry

$first_name mysqli_real_escape_string($con$first_name);
$last_name mysqli_real_escape_string($con$last_name);

    if (
ctype_digit($rec_id) and $rec_id 0)    // clean -- make sure $rec_id is a number
$query "UPDATE $author_table SET first_name='$first_name', last_name='$last_name' WHERE id='$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not save $author_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

//  If User selected 'Add record' then create a new record in author table

if ($submit == 'Add Record')
$first_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) ? $_POST['first_name'] : '';
$last_name = isset($_POST['last_name']) ? $_POST['last_name'] : '';

// clean data

$first_name mysqli_real_escape_string($con$first_name);
$last_name mysqli_real_escape_string($con$last_name);

$query "INSERT INTO $author_table (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('$first_name', '$last_name') ";
$comment "Could not insert $author_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// If User selected 'Delete record'
// then must Delete the Author AND any reference to the Author in author_book table

if ($submit == 'Delete Record')
$rec_id = isset($_POST['rec_id']) ? $_POST['rec_id'] : 0;
    if (
ctype_digit($rec_id) and $rec_id 0)    // clean -- make sure $rec_id is a number

// delete all records where the author is listed
$query "DELETE FROM $author_book_table WHERE author_id= '$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not delete $author_book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// optimize the table -- do this after a delete
$query "OPTIMIZE TABLE $author_book_table ";
$comment "Could not optmize $author_book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// delete the author
$query "DELETE FROM $author_table WHERE id = '$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not delete $author_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// optimize the table -- do this after a delete
$query "OPTIMIZE TABLE $author_table ";
$comment "Could not optmize $author_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));


// At this point we have finished altering all table(s)
// Now read back in all the Author records from the current table

$query "SELECT * FROM $author_table WHERE id > '0' ";
$comment "Could not get $author_table records: $query";
$result mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

while (
$row mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$id $row['id'];
$first_names[$id] = htmlentities($row['first_name']);
$last_names[$id] = htmlentities($row['last_name']);

// set current record to the last record from ALL records
    // can be overridden by 'Select Record' user selection

$rec_id $id;
$first_name $first_names[$id];
$last_name $last_names[$id];

// User has selected a Record for edit/save operation
// Make the selected record the current record

if ($submit == 'Select Record')
$rec_id = isset($_POST['choice']) ? $_POST['choice'] : 1;
    if (!
ctype_digit($rec_id))    // clean -- make sure $rec_id is a number
$rec_id 1;

$query "SELECT * FROM $author_table WHERE id = '$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not get a specific $author_table records: $query";
$result mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));
$row mysqli_fetch_array($result);

// set current record

$rec_id $row['id'];    // we already have it, but pull it anyway
$first_name htmlentities($row['first_name']);
$last_name htmlentities($row['last_name']);

'includes/close_db.php');    //====== close dB


// Now show data
<h2 class="center">CRUD Records in Authors Table</h2>

<form action="<?php echo($self); ?>" method="post">
    <table class="full">
            <th colspan=4 class="header1">
                ALL RECORDS
        <tr class="header2">
            <th>First Name</th>
            <th>Second Name</th>

        foreach (
$first_names as $key => $value)

            <tr class="row<?php echo(++$i 1); ?>">
                <td class="w5">
                    <input type="radio" name="choice"
                           value="<?php echo($key); ?><?php if ($key == $rec_id)
                <td class="w5 center yellow">
                    <?php echo($key); ?>
                <td class="w30">
                    <?php echo($first_names[$key]); ?>
                <td class="w30">
                    <?php echo($last_names[$key]); ?>



    <div class="clear">

    <table class="full">
            <th colspan=2 class="header1">
                Current Selected Record
        <tr class="header2">
            <td class="right">
            <td class="left">
                <input type="text" size="5" name="rec_id" value="<?php echo($rec_id); ?>" READONLY
                       class="bold noborder">
                <span class="red bold"> &lt;-- You cannot edit this ID (This is generated via autoincrement) </span>
            <td class="right">
                First Name:
            <td class="left">
                <input type="text" size="60" name="first_name" value="<?php echo($first_name); ?>">
            <td class="right">
                Last Name:
            <td class="left">
                <input type="text" size="60" name="last_name" value="<?php echo($last_name); ?>">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Select Record">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Record">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Record">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete Record">

include('includes/functions.php');    // standard functions