Author to Book TABLE

Author ID Book ID
17 3
17 12
17 26
17 32
25 23
25 24
25 25
25 26
2 7
1 3
1 4
1 5
30 33
30 34
24 18
12 12
31 35
31 36
31 37
32 38
32 39
36 46
36 47
36 48
37 49
37 50
37 51
38 35
38 37
38 43
20 3
39 52
39 53
39 54
40 55
40 56
40 57
41 58
41 59
41 60
42 61
42 62
42 63
43 64
43 65
43 66
44 67
44 68
44 69
45 70
45 71
45 72
46 73
46 74
46 75
47 76
47 77
47 78

Note: Only the ID's of the Authors and ID's of the Books are in this table. This is a simple method to track the assignments of authors to books and vise-versa. This allows the Author and Book tables to be used by way of their specific ID's but does not require each table to show their relationships.

// The following two functions should be in your code // -- OR -- be in the includes directory under "functions.php" // AND include that file in this script. // ================= functions ================= //-------------- show db errors -------------- // this function reports mysql errors with line number and script name function report($query, $line, $file) { echo($query . '
' . $line . '
' . $file . '
'); } //-------------- clean data for input into db -------------- // this function cleans all text for inserting into db // in other words, this function returns SQL injection-proof strings function cleanForDB($con, $str) { $str = stripslashes($str); $str = trim($str); $str = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $str); return $str; }


//  author-book-table.php -- Show Author to Book Table by Don Alexander Eckford

// code
if (session_id() == '')


// init vars and arrays
$self basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$author_book_table 'author_book';

// author_book arrays
$authorID = array();
$bookID = array();

$con '';

// Pull in all author to book records


$query "SELECT * FROM $author_book_table ";
$comment "Could not get $author_book_table records: $query";
$result mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

while (
$row mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$authorID[] = $row['author_id'];
$bookID[] = $row['book_id'];

'includes/close_db.php');    //====== close dB

// Now show data

<h2 class="center">Author to Book TABLE</h2>

<table class="full">
        <th colspan=4 class="header1">
    <tr class="header2 center">
        <th>Author ID</th>
        <th>Book ID</th>


// go through either of the author arrays (i.e., $author_first or $author_last)
foreach ($authorID as $key => $value)

        <tr class="row<?php echo(++$i 1); ?>">
            <td class="w30 center">
                <?php echo($authorID[$key]); ?>
            <td class="w30 center">
                <?php echo($bookID[$key]); ?>



<div class="clear">

    Note: Only the ID's of the Authors and ID's of the Books are in this table. This is a simple method to track
    the assignments of authors to books and vise-versa. This allows the Author and Book tables to be used by way of
    their specific ID's but does not require each table to show their relationships.

include('includes/functions.php');    // standard functions