Tedd's Examples w0

The above are links to examples created for this class.

The examples shown here are to show you how PHP code works. Your assignments for each of these topics will be to create example(s) that demonstrate your understanding the concepts.

In all your examples, please remove my name (or 'you' or 'yours') and replace it with your name. In addition, make certain your code works like mine and has links back to your examples page. The purpose of this 'cut/paste' is to allow you to see the code run. You should examine the code to see how it works and is used.

When the assignment asks you for a creative example using the topic of the week, it is up to you to read and review those examples to see how they work and to create an example that also demonstrates how the topic works. For example, if the topic of the week is strings, then a creative example might be to review the PHP manual describing string functions and then use one or more, to alter a string. You may also want to review the Various String Functions link on the right-side of this page.

End of Semester (May 12, 2025): 102 Days     Approx: 14 Weeks