The Blob February 2013
A loveable blob built on some simple physics. Grab eye, drag it around.
Entropy October 2012
Partial JavaScript implementation of the esoteric progamming language entropy.
CSS Zoetrope September 2011
Bridging old school moving pictures with new school CSS animation.
CSS3-D Clock March 2011
A fully 3D clock implemented using nothing but divs and CSS3 3D-transforms.
Type Rain February 2011
A little rain simulation built using DIVS and CSS Transforms.
Mobeh Dick October 2010
A goofy experiment in which me and the girlfriend translated the first chapter of Moby Dick into internet-speak.
Walking With CSS October 2010
A fully animated figure (myself) using nothing by CSS animations.
Sudoku Solver July 2010
A nifty solver that uses simple human strategies to solve sudokus.
Simple Fractals May 2010
An experiment in which I really just wanted to play with drawing recursive objects.
Something A Day January 2010
For an entire year I tried writting down one "interesting" thing every single day.
Cloth Simulation August 2009
An elegant cloth simulation built on top of the HTML5 Canvas element.
Numbers to Words June 2009
Silly experiment that converts just about any integer into words in only 8 lines of code.
Particle System April 2009
A simple N-Body particle simulation.
Drip Sessions February 2009
An early experiment trying to mimic grafitti using HTML5 Canvas.
Robotic Arm December 2008
My first venture into the word of JS and Canvas. The code is awful. The experiment is buggy. I like to keep this one around just for sentimental reasons.