Card Manipulation
Card manipulation is the branch of magical illusion that deals with creating effects using
of hand techniques involving playing cards. Card manipulation is often used in magical
especially in close-up, parlor, and street magic. Some of the most recognized names in this
include Dai Vernon, Tony Slydini, Ed Marlo, S.W. Erdnase, Richard Turner, John Scarne and Ricky
Jay. Before becoming world-famous for his escapes, Houdini billed himself as "The
King of Cards". (Wikipedia)
For this example I used a card trick I learned when I was around 10 years old. I don't remember
it to me, but it's something I have never forgotten.
Follow the directions below to give it a try.
1) Choose a card in one of the three rows below and memorize it.
2) Select the row that contains your card.
3) Click the "GO" button.
session_name("xxxx"); // Set session name
session_start(); // Start session
* Created by Casey Hargis
* For CITW 185
* PHP Web Development
* Spring 2018
* 21 Cards
* Contains functions used in the program
include 'includes/header.php';
include 'includes/functions.php';
$suits = array("C", "D", "H", "S");
$faces = array("A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K");
// Create deck of cards by combining $suits and $faces array into $cards array
$cards = array();
foreach ($suits as $suit)
foreach ($faces as $face)
$cards[] = ($face . $suit);
// Check to see if session variables have been created
$rowOne = isset($_SESSION['rowOne']) ? $_SESSION['rowOne'] : "";
$rowTwo = isset($_SESSION['rowTwo']) ? $_SESSION['rowTwo'] : "";
$rowThree = isset($_SESSION['rowThree']) ? $_SESSION['rowThree'] : "";
$step = isset($_POST['step']) ? $_POST['step'] : 1;
$step = htmlentities($step);
// Check to see if a row has been selected
if (isset($_POST['row']))
$row = $_POST['row'];
$row = htmlentities($row);
$step = 1;
$row = '';
switch ($step)
case '1':
<h1>Card Manipulation</h1>
<div id="picture">
<a><img src="images/cards/cardtrick2.jpg" alt="Card Trick Picture"></a>
Card manipulation is the branch of magical illusion that deals with creating effects using
of hand techniques involving playing cards. Card manipulation is often used in magical
especially in close-up, parlor, and street magic. Some of the most recognized names in this
include Dai Vernon, Tony Slydini, Ed Marlo, S.W. Erdnase, Richard Turner, John Scarne and Ricky
Jay. Before becoming world-famous for his escapes, Houdini billed himself as "The
King of Cards". (<a href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>)
For this example I used a card trick I learned when I was around 10 years old. I don't remember
it to me, but it's something I have never forgotten.
// Call the splitCards function
list($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree) = splitCards($cards);
// Directions for user
echo "<div><h2>Follow the directions below to give it a try.</h2></div>";
echo "<p>1) Choose a card in one of the three rows below and memorize it.<br>
2) Select the row that contains your card.<br>
3) Click the \"GO\" button.</p>";
// Call the outputCards function
outputCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $step);
case '2':
// Call the mergeCards function
$cards2 = mergeCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $row);
// Call the dealCards function
list($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree) = dealCards($cards2);
echo "<div><h2>Follow the directions below for the next step.</h2></div>";
echo "<p>1) Find the card you memorized in the previous step.<br>
2) Select the row that contains your card.<br>
3) Click the \"GO\" button.</p>";
// Call the outputCards function
outputCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $step);
case '3':
// Call the mergeCards function
$cards2 = mergeCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $row);
// Call the dealCards function
list($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree) = dealCards($cards2);
echo "<div><h2>Follow the directions below to reveal your card.</h2></div>";
echo "<p>1) Find the card you memorized in the first step.<br>
2) Select the row that contains your card.<br>
3) Click the \"GO\" button.</p>";
// Call the outputCards function
outputCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $step);
case '4':
// Call the mergeCards function
$cards2 = mergeCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $row);
echo "<h2>Here is your card:</h2>";
// Get the users card
$card = $cards2[10];
// Display the users card
echo "<img src='images/cards/cards_large/$card.png' alt=\"Picture\">";
echo '<br>';
if ($card == 'AH')
echo 'Hi Mom!';
<form action="cards.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="1">
<input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Try Another">
include 'includes/footer.php';
//------------------- functions --------------------------
* @param $cards
* @return array
* Shuffle and split the $cards array into three separate arrays containing 7 cards each
function splitCards($cards)
shuffle($cards);// Shuffle $cards array
$rowOne = array_slice($cards, 0, 7); // $rowOne array = cards 0 through 6
$rowTwo = array_slice($cards, 7, 7); // $rowTwo array = cards 7 through 13
$rowThree = array_slice($cards, 14, 7); // $rowThree array = cards 14 through 20
//Call saveCards function
saveCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree);
return array($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree);
* @param $rowOne
* @param $rowTwo
* @param $rowThree
* @param $row
* @return array
* Merge row arrays together depending on user input
function mergeCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $row)
$cards2 = array();
switch ($row)
case 'one': // If user selects row 1, row 1 goes to middle of the merged array
$cards2 = array_merge($rowTwo, $rowOne, $rowThree);
case 'two':// If user selects row 2, row 2 goes to middle of the merged array
$cards2 = array_merge($rowThree, $rowTwo, $rowOne);
case 'three':// If user selects row 3, row 3 goes to middle of the merged array
$cards2 = array_merge($rowTwo, $rowThree, $rowOne);
return $cards2;
* @param $cards2
* @return array
* Deal cards to 3 separate arrays containing 7 cards each
function dealCards($cards2)
$cards3 = $cards2;
$cards4 = $cards2;
unset($cards2[1], $cards2[2], $cards2[4], $cards2[5], $cards2[7], $cards2[8], $cards2[10], $cards2[11], $cards2[13],
$cards2[14], $cards2[16], $cards2[17], $cards2[19], $cards2[20]);
$rowOne = array_merge($cards2);
unset($cards3[0], $cards3[2], $cards3[3], $cards3[5], $cards3[6], $cards3[8], $cards3[9], $cards3[11], $cards3[12],
$cards3[14], $cards3[15], $cards3[17], $cards3[18], $cards3[20]);
$rowTwo = array_merge($cards3);
unset($cards4[0], $cards4[1], $cards4[3], $cards4[4], $cards4[6], $cards4[7], $cards4[9], $cards4[10], $cards4[12],
$cards4[13], $cards4[15], $cards4[16], $cards4[18], $cards4[19]);
$rowThree = array_merge($cards4);
//Call saveCards function
saveCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree);
return array($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree);
* @param $rowOne
* @param $rowTwo
* @param $rowThree
* Saves row arrays to session
function saveCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree)
$_SESSION["rowOne"] = $rowOne;
$_SESSION["rowTwo"] = $rowTwo;
$_SESSION["rowThree"] = $rowThree;
* @param $rowOne
* @param $rowTwo
* @param $rowThree
* @param $step
* Displays the cards to the screen with radio buttons for user input
function outputCards($rowOne, $rowTwo, $rowThree, $step)
<form id="formClass" method="post">
<legend>Row One:</legend>
<input id="rowOne" name="row" value="one" type="radio" required/>
<label for="rowOne">
echo 'Row One<br>';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++)
{ // Display $rowOne cards array
$card = $rowOne[$i];
echo "<img src='images/cards/cards_small/$card.png' alt=\"$card Picture\">";
<legend>Row Two:</legend>
<input id="rowTwo" name="row" value="two" type="radio"/>
<label for="rowTwo">
echo 'Row Two<br>';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++)
{ // Display $rowTwo cards array
$card = $rowTwo[$i];
echo "<img src='images/cards/cards_small/$card.png' alt=\"$card Picture\">";
<legend>Row Three:</legend>
<input id="rowThree" name="row" value="three" type="radio"/>
<label for="rowThree">
echo 'Row Three<br>';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++)
{ // Display $rowThree cards array
$card = $rowThree[$i];
echo "<img src='images/cards/cards_small/$card.png' alt=\"$card Picture\">";
<input type="hidden" name="step" value=<?php echo($step + 1); ?>>
<input class="button" type="submit" value="Go">