CRUD Records in Books Table

3 My Little Pony A123B4569334
4 Fishing Made Easy 45645457878
5 PHP for Kids 7894466889922
7 West of Eden 102333555777
8 South of Eden 1023335557999
11 My Kitty Cat 1023335557999
12 You're the Dude!
14 Tedd 12345
15 South of Eden 1023335557999
16 North of Holt 1234554321
18 Help! I'm a 34 Year Old Stuck in a 90 Year Old Body! 24985612
19 Lessons Learned 24985613
20 The Sun Rises 24985614
21 Who Moved My Cheese 388444
22 Rich Dad Poor Dad 388445
23 Think And Grow Rich 388446
24 To Kill a Mockingbird 9780446310789
25 Of Mice and Men 9780140292916
26 The Great Gatsby 042272010264
27 Magician 042272010264
28 Silverthorn 042272010264
29 Jimmy the Hand 042272010264
30 The Great Gatsby 9780333791035
31 Murder By Midnight 1651037973
32 Systems Analysis and Design 1305494601
33 The Book 4057154125
34 Wadada Toosan 0475511452
35 JavaScript and jQuery 9781118531648
36 The Ultimate Final Fantasy 14 CookBook 9781647225117
37 Learning Web Design 9781491960202
38 The Chronicles of Narnia 9780066238500
39 Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book (2022 release) 0137621108
42 The Silmarillion 0544338014
43 The Lord of The Rings 9780544003415
44 The Hobbit 054792822X
45 My Way of Doing Things 054792822X
46 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 9781862305274
47 1984 9780451524935
48 Last Book In The Universe 0439087597
49 Twentieth-Century Harmony 0393095398
50 Effective Practicing for Musicians 9783982252018
51 The Drummer's Toolbox 1999151933
52 Daemon 9780451228734
53 Titanium Noir 9781472156938
54 The Dark Forest 9780765386694
55 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 9781529046137
56 World War Z 9780307950819
57 Lord of the Flies 9780195634921
58 Silence of the Lambs 9780312195267
59 A Clockwork Orange 9780393928099
60 The Sociopath Nextdoor 9780739456743
61 Wuthering Heights 9781358772528
62 The Call of the Wild 9781603400220
63 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 9781503222687
64 brat 9781503222688
65 brat and it's completely different but also still brat 9781503222689
66 brat and it's the same but there's three more songs so it's not 9781503222690
67 Hunter x Hunter vol.1 9784088725710
68 Hunter x Hunter vol.2 4088726065
69 Hunter x Hunter vol.3 4088726304
70 Dragon Ball Z vol.1 9781569319307
71 Dragon Ball Z vol.2 9781569319314
72 Dragon Ball Z vol.3 9781569319321
73 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) 9780545010221
74 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, Book 2) 9781338878936
75 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 9781338878936
76 Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy (Book I: Chaos Rising) (Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy) 978-0593157688
77 The Icarus Coda 978-1668072356
78 The Art of War and Other Stories 978-1504096942
Current Selected Record
Fields Values
ID: <-- You cannot edit this ID (This is generated via autoincrement)
Book Title:
Book ISBN:




//  relational_db_books.php (CRUD demo)
//  11/11/2024

// session
if (session_id() == '')


'includes/functions.php');    // standard functions

// init vars and arrays
$self basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$book_table 'books';
$author_book_table 'author_book';

// book arrays
$titles = array();
$isbns = array();

$title '';
$isbn '';
$rec_id 0;
$result '';
$comment '';
$con '';

// ====== open dB

// determine what the user selected
$submit = isset($_POST['submit']) ? $_POST['submit'] : '';


// If User selected 'Save Record' then update book record
if ($submit == 'Save Record')
$rec_id = isset($_POST['rec_id']) ? $_POST['rec_id'] : 0;
$title = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : '';
$isbn = isset($_POST['isbn']) ? $_POST['isbn'] : '';

// clean data for db entry
$title mysqli_real_escape_string($con$title);
$isbn mysqli_real_escape_string($con$isbn);

    if (
ctype_digit($rec_id) and $rec_id 0)    // clean -- make sure $rec_id is a number
$query "UPDATE $book_table SET title='$title', isbn='$isbn' WHERE id='$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not save $book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));


//  If User selected 'Add record' then create a new record in book table
if ($submit == 'Add Record')
$title = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : '';
$isbn = isset($_POST['isbn']) ? $_POST['isbn'] : '';

// clean data

$title mysqli_real_escape_string($con$title);
$isbn mysqli_real_escape_string($con$isbn);

$query "INSERT INTO $book_table (title, isbn) VALUES ('$title', '$isbn') ";
$comment "Could not insert $book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));


// User selected 'Delete record'
// then must delete the Book AND any reference to the Book in author_book table
if ($submit == 'Delete Record')
$rec_id = isset($_POST['rec_id']) ? $_POST['rec_id'] : 0;
    if (
ctype_digit($rec_id) and $rec_id 0)    // clean -- make sure $rec_id is a number
// delete the book
$query "DELETE FROM $book_table WHERE id = '$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not delete $book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// optimize the table -- do this after a delete
$query "OPTIMIZE TABLE $book_table ";
$comment "Could not optmize $book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// also delete all records where the book is listed
$query "DELETE FROM $author_book_table WHERE book_id= '$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not delete $author_book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// optimize the table -- do this after a delete
$query "OPTIMIZE TABLE $author_book_table ";
$comment "Could not optmize $author_book_table records: $query";
mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

// At this point we have finished altering the table
// Now read back in all the Book records from the current table

$query "SELECT * FROM $book_table WHERE id > '0' ";
$comment "Could not get $book_table records: $query";
$result mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));

while (
$row mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$id $row['id'];
$titles[$id] = htmlentities($row['title']);
$isbns[$id] = htmlentities($row['isbn']);

// set current record to the last record from ALL records
    // can be overridden by 'Select Record' user selection
$rec_id $id;
$title $titles[$id];
$isbn $isbns[$id];

// User has selected a Record for edit/save operation
// Make the selected record the current record

if ($submit == 'Select Record')
$rec_id = isset($_POST['choice']) ? $_POST['choice'] : 1;
    if (!
ctype_digit($rec_id))    // clean -- make sure $rec_id is a number
$rec_id 1;
$query "SELECT * FROM $book_table WHERE id = '$rec_id' ";
$comment "Could not get a specific $book_table records: $query";
$result mysqli_query($con$query) or die(report($commentmysqli_error($con), __LINE____FILE__));
$row mysqli_fetch_array($result);

// set current record
$rec_id $row['id'];    // we already have it, but pull it anyway
$title htmlentities($row['title']);
$isbn htmlentities($row['isbn']);

// ====== close dB



<!-- Links to other tables pages -->
        <a href="relational_db_authors.php">Authors</a>
        <a href="relational_db_assign_auth_book.php">Assign Author to Books</a>
        <a href="relational_db_map_auth_book.php">See Mapping Table for Authors and Books</a>


<!--Now display data-->
<h2 class="center">CRUD Records in Books Table</h2>

<form action="<?php echo($self); ?>" method="post">
    <table class="full">
            <th colspan=4 class="header1">
                ALL RECORDS
        <tr class="header2">

        foreach (
$titles as $key => $value)

            <tr class="row<?php echo(++$i 1); ?>">
                <td class="w5">
                    <input type="radio" name="choice"
                           value="<?php echo($key); ?><?php if ($key == $rec_id) {
                <td class="w5 center yellow">
                    <?php echo($key); ?>
                <td class="w30">
                    <?php echo($titles[$key]); ?>
                <td class="w30">
                    <?php echo($isbns[$key]); ?>



    <div class="clear">

    <table class="full">
            <th colspan=2 class="header1">
                Current Selected Record
        <tr class="header2">
            <td class="right">
            <td class="left">
                <input type="text" size="5" name="rec_id" value="<?php echo($rec_id); ?>" READONLY
                       class="bold noborder">
                <span class="red bold"> &lt;-- You cannot edit this ID (This is generated via autoincrement) </span>
            <td class="right">
                Book Title:
            <td class="left">
                <input type="text" size="60" name="title" value="<?php echo($title); ?>">
            <td class="right">
                Book ISBN:
            <td class="left">
                <input type="text" size="60" name="isbn" value="<?php echo($isbn); ?>">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Select Record">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Record">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Record">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete Record">

