Playing Around With Numbers!
There are a lot of things you can do with numbers in PHP. Here are some examples of what you can do with the number 45.934.
We can start with some easy ones, like rounding down to the nearest integer.
Starting Number: 45.934
Number Rounded to the Nearest Integer: 45
Sometimes, it can be useful to find the absolute value of a number.
Here is what it looks like with a positive number, then a negative number.
Starting Positive Number: 45.934
Absolute Value: 45.934
Here is what it looks like with a negative number.
Starting Negative Number: -45.934
Absolute Value: 45.934
There are also some cool things that you can do with the different log functions. Here are some examples.
Starting Number: 45.934
Natural Log: 3.8272055835942
Base 10 Log: 1.6621342660643
Log of Number + 1: 3.8487423595004